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Multifunctional two-setpoint PID controller with differential pressure or air flow transmitter and Modbus communication.

DPT-Ctrl-MOD enables to control constant pressure or flow of fans, VAV systems or dampers. In addition, the controller is fully programmable via Modbus.

The DPT-Ctrl-MOD includes an Input terminal that enables the reading of multiple signals such as temperature or control relays over Modbus. The Input terminal has one input channel designed to accept 0−10 V, NTC10k, Pt1000, Ni1000/(-LG), and BIN IN (potential free contact) signals.

The device has a binary input to select between two user-adjustable setpoints. The desired setpoint can be selected, for example, with weekly clock, turn switch or key card switch.


Field adjustable differential pressure transmitter with two pressure sensors for air and an Input terminal for two analog inputs for external signal conversion into Modbus.

DPT-Dual-MOD combines two differential pressure transmitters into one device. It offers a possibility to measure pressure from two different points. It has a Modbus interface and an Input terminal. When using the Input terminal, temperature transmitters can be replaced with temperature sensors. As a result you will save in costs of the devices and in the installation costs. The AHU model that includes an air flow transmitter has been designed especially for ventilation units.

DPT-Dual-MOD series devices include: • Multiple measurement units, field selectable via menu, including: Pa, mbar, inchWC, mmWC and psi. • Input terminal enabling reading of multiple other signals such as temperature or control relays over Modbus


Differential pressure transmitter with Modbus communication and Input terminal

The DPT-IO-MOD differential pressure transmitter for air conforms to Modbus over serial line protocol using RTU transmission mode and RS485 interface. The digital output signal is sent over Modbus enabling the DPT-IO-MOD to connect directly to a field communications network.

DPT-IO-MOD requires less wiring than the traditional 3-wire transmitters since multiple devices can be connected on serial line.

The DPT-IO-MOD includes an Input terminal that enables reading of multiple other signals such as temperature or control relays over Modbus. The Input terminal has two input channels designed to accept 0−10 V, NTC10k, Pt1000, Ni1000/(-LG), and BIN IN (potential free contact) signals. For example, DPT-IO-MOD can read values from one differential pressure measurement point and two temperature measurement points. Hence, the DPT-IO-MOD does the work of three transmitters.


Multifunctional differential pressure transmitters with air flow measurement and Modbus communication

DPT-MOD is a multifunctional transmitter for measuring volume flow, velocity, and static and differential pressure. The measurements can be read and the configuration done via Modbus communication. DPT-MOD requires less wiring than the traditional 3-wire transmitters because multiple devices can be connected on serial line. DPT-MOD can also be used with several different measurement probes such as FloXact™ or pitot tube, and air dampers.

DPT-MOD series devices include: • Two selectable functions: o Measure and monitor in-duct volume flow, velocity or differential pressure o Measure and monitor air flow across centrifugal fans • Multiple selectable measurement units: o Volume flow: m3/s, m3/h, cfm, l/s o Velocity: m/s, ft/min o Pressure: Pa, inWC, mmWC, kPa, mbar • Modbus communication protocol

DPT-MOD series device options offer: • AZ (autozero) function for automatic zero point calibration, eliminating the need for periodic manual autozeroing to ensure long term accuracy